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ANS anordnar sedan 2011 webseminarier inom akut neurologi. De genomförs i direktsändning över ett webbaserat mötessystem - GoToMeeting. Strukturen är 20-25 minuter föreläsning, 5-10 minuter diskussion. Följ nedanstående länk för tekniska instruktioner kring deltagande. Varmt välkommen! Priser, recensioner, regelverk. Ett varmt tack till alla deltagare och föreläsare på ANS IRL 2 i Stockholm. Nu tar ANS nya tag och laddar för. Vill du föreslå ett seminarietema? VINTER - VÅR 2015.
Eventi, notizie, attività ALICe Italia. 5 per mille ad ALICe Italia. Diritti dei malati di ictus. I colpiti da ictus raccontano. Cordiali saluti Il sito di ALICe Italia.
The British Association of Stroke Physicians. Helps to promote better care for people with stroke in the UK. The British Association of Stroke Physicians. Helps to promote better care for people with stroke in the UK. The British Association of Stroke Physicians. Helps to promote better care for people with stroke in the UK. If you are a patient or carer seeking advice about stroke, please visit our patients and carers page. Would you like to join us? .
To improve care for stroke patients in Belgium. This public website has been frozen in 2015. You may consult the actual website of the BELGIAN STROKE COUNCIL here.
BEMC has a Journal Club now. After a year of successful BEMC talks and seeing the BEMC grow, it was time for something new. We are starting a new journal club within the BEMC community, purely focussed on methods. The text below describes what we are going to to do, starting in February.
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Úklidová firma Eso úklid spol. Předností naší firmy je spolehlivost, serióznost, operativnost, rychlá reakce na požadavky a připomínky zákazníka, komunikace se zákazníkem to vše je pro nás samozřejmostí. Naším cílem je neustálé zvyšování kvality. Úklidové služby nejen v Liberci.